Mike Schroeder
The Renaissance Man
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Mike Schroeder is a graduate of USC, receiving his undergraduate degree in history in 1979 and in law in 1982.
Mike Schroeder’s formal involvement in politics started even before he transferred to USC. He ran for student body president at Cal-State Fullerton at the end of his freshman year and was the first freshman ever elected to that position in the Cal-State system. It is somewhat unusual that everything he has done in politics has been as an unpaid volunteer.
His day job is working in alternative healthcare. He runs a company that provides malpractice insurance and other services to acupuncturists, naturopaths, chiropractors, and other alternative healthcare providers.
He has extensive experience in presidential and statewide elections.
He co-chaired several presidential campaigns in California, including Bush 41 in 1988 and 1992, Bob Dole in 1996, and Bush 43 in 2000. He was also the State Co-Chair and Political Director for Senator Ted Cruz during Senator Cruz’s 2016 Presidential race.
Mr. Schroeder has also served as political director of numerous California statewide campaigns. He served as a political director for Steve Poizner, a Republican, who was the California State Insurance Commissioner, in his campaign for Governor in 2010. He was the campaign chairman for Orange County District Attorney, Tony Rackauckas, for each of his campaigns since 1998.
Mr. Schroeder has also served as Chairman of the California Republican Party and a Vice-Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He is the only living Republican Party Chairman who has never endorsed or voted for Arnold Schwarzenegger.